ICM UK is back in operation!
ICM UK is now open and operating again from its London office. Open by appointment, please contact us on 0208 747 0900, by email: info@icm.works or visit our website, [...]
ICM UK is now open and operating again from its London office. Open by appointment, please contact us on 0208 747 0900, by email: info@icm.works or visit our website, [...]
A 2 minute, comprehensive introduction on how ICM effectively and sustainably treats art works and heritage. Have a look and discover how we can help you solve insect contamination in your [...]
Ökologische Schädlingsbekämpfung und Dekontaminierung von Biozid-belasteten Sammlungen und Kunstobjekten Neben den bisherigen Standorten Brüssel und London wird ICM (https://www.icm.works/de/) ab Frühjahr 2021 einen Sitz in Berlin haben. Angegliedert sind [...]