ICM® – Integrated Contamination Management – has been founded as of May 2020. The headquarters ICM Europe is based in Brussels. The London branch (formerly Thermo Lignum UK) is now ICM UK.
Embedded in outstanding conservation company IPARC
ICM’s major shareholder is the Brussels-based conservation company IPARC. Not least because of this link, we are closely aligned with modern day conservation. IPARC offers a comprehensive vision of multidisciplinary conservation, servicing collection owners and managers from preventive conservation, technical research and analysis to art storage and conservation treatments.
Sustainable and ecological choices define where innovation is developed and applied within the IPARC ecosystem. The next generation of ICM treatment chambers do just that by combining insect treatments and biocide decontamination by means of just natural elements such as water and air.
ICM will be happy to give a quotation for necessary treatment. We can also provide preventive conservation consulting services and emergency response.
If you need further information please contact us:
Rebecca Sawyer, Manager Administration and Research, Rebecca.sawyer@iparc.eu
Paul Hickey, Operations Manager, Paul.hickey@iparc.eu
Nikolaus Wilke, Managing Director, nikolaus.wilke@iparc.eu